Certified Members of the Institute - Property Tax

This list of CMIs is organized by designation status. 

Active Designees 
Retired Designees 
Deceased Designees 
Inactive Designees

Active Designees

Full Name
Michael A. Abbatemarco, CMI
Gene C. Acuff, CMI
Bobby G. Adair, CMI
Bridget S. Albers, CMI
Andrew Albright, CMI, Esq.
Azim Ali, CMI
Jamie Allen, CMI, ASA
Gerard N. Amoroso, Jr., CMI, MBA
Kent Anderson, CMI
Edwin Archbold, CMI
Jason Howard Armstrong, CMI
Ryan Neil Armstrong, CMI, CPA
Stephen Arredondo, CMI
Terry L. Atkinson, CMI, CPA
Jerry Aucoin, CMI
Larry W. Backus, CMI
John C. Balboa, CMI
Matthew Ball, CMI
Spencer David Banks, CMI
Matthew Barefoot, CMI
Donald M. Barnhill, CMI
Jared Barr, CMI
Todd R. Barron, CMI
James D. Barton, CMI, CPA
James K. Bates, CMI
Jerry M. Baxter, II, CMI
Krystle Beasley, CMI
Mark D. Bedford, CMI
Kevin J. Begnaud, CMI
Tina M. Beilke, CMI
Thomas J. Bernard, CMI
Jarrell Bethard, CMI
Joseph C. Biles, CMI
Christopher M. Bischof, CMI
Matthew S. Black, CMI, CPA
Thomas D. Blair, CMI
Kevin Blaisure, CMI
Dwayne Bolling, CMI
Laina M. Borowski, CMI
Robyn P. Bowen, CMI
Robert C. Boxley, II, CMI
Thomas Brannigan, CMI
Montgomery E. Brantley, CMI
Laneshia Lynn Brewer, CMI
Melanie B. Brigante, CMI
Molly M. Briggs, CMI
Patrick M. Broome, CMI
Eric L. Brown, CMI
John Stephen Brusniak, CMI
Benjamin F. Buckles, CMI, JD
Thomas Bumgardner, CMI, CPA
John W. Burns, CMI
Robert R. Busby, CMI
David Brent Buskirk, CMI
Robert D. Butterbaugh, CMI
Jason Butterworth, CMI
Andrew Byrd, CMI
Philip S. Cain, CMI, CPA
John A. Campbell, CMI, MAI
Greg L. Cardwell, CMI
Daniel Carroll, CMI
Bruce D. Cartwright, CMI
Paola B. Castillo, CMI
Benjamin Marcelo Castro, CMI
Miguel Catalan, CMI, CPA
Ryan Chance, CMI, CPA
Vincent Cheng, CMI
Kyle Chrisman, CMI
Lisa J. Clements, CMI
Jeffrey R. Cohen, CMI
Jennifer Cohen, CMI
Kerry S. Comstock, CMI
Christopher Condon, CMI
David Conklin, CMI
Alan Ardist Conner, CMI
Kelly E. Conrad, CMI
Cody V. Cormier, CMI, CPA
Casey Earl Couch, CMI
Georgianna Coursume, CMI
Adam Covacevich, CMI
Annette Crawford, CMI
Helen Crown, CMI
Amanda Crumrine, CMI
Christopher Cummings, CMI
Jordan S. Daniels, CMI
Gilbert D. Davila, CMI, Esq.
Aaron Davis, CMI
Deborah A. Davis, CMI, CPA
Flora Saez Davis, CMI
Tillman Ray Davis, CMI
William J. Dearien, CMI
Michelle DeLappe, CMI, J.D., LL.M.
David T. DeLeon, Jr., CMI
Jack Denny, CMI
Brian R. DePotter, CMI, CCIM
Zina Marie Diehl, CMI
Jeffrey P. Dill, CMI
Deborah A. Dillinger, CMI
Michael Dimitt, CMI
Tony DiNoto, CMI
David E. Dodd, CMI
Maggie Donahue, CMI
James Scott Donald, CMI
Brent Dreisbach, CMI
Brigit M. DuBois, CMI
Rachel Duck, CMI
Sara Lou Dudgeon, CMI
Rick L. Duncan, CMI, Esq.
Bradford C. Dunn, CMI, MAA, CRE, FRICS
Mark S. Dzeda, CMI, CPA
Scott Eckhardt, CMI
Derik A. Edwards, CMI
Connie L. Ellis, CMI
Tom Elmendorf, CMI, ASA
Donna Empson-Rudolph, CMI
Jennifer Endsley, CMI
Marina S. Epsteyn, CMI
Joshua E. Estes, CMI, Esq.
Justin Eudy, CMI
Jake C. Evans, CMI
Ryan D. Everett, CMI
Daniel Fadden, CMI
Glen M. Fandl, CMI
Robert G. Federico, CMI
Paul Felix, CMI
Timothy P. Ferraro, CMI
Marlene Feyerherm, CMI
Michael F. Finnegan, CMI, CPA
Leslie S. Fisher, CMI
Vance J. Flores, CMI
Michael E. Ford, CMI
David Forrest, CMI
Kayla D. Forsythe, CMI
Sheirmah Peralta Francis, CMI
Glenn K. Franck, CMI
Anthony Franco, CMI
Jonathan E. Frey, CMI
Kristina Friedman, CMI
Daniel T. Galati, CMI
Niral R. Gandhi, CMI
Joshua Gangloff, CMI
Joy D. Gann, CMI
William L. Gannon, CMI
Anthony Garcia, CMI
Chad Gardner, CMI
Faron R. Gardner, Sr., CMI
James E. Garza, CMI
Kirk A. Garza, CMI, MAI, CCIM
Jack J. Gembach, III, CMI
Andrew Geving, CMI
David Giraldi, CMI
Jeffrey C. Glasspool, CMI
Albert Gleichauf, CMI
Joseph P. Glennon, CMI
Jared Golojuch, CMI
Brenda Goodrich, CMI
Jared Goodrich, CMI
Cheryl K. Gordon, JSM, CMI
Matthew Gorman, CMI
Brad D. Gorski, CMI
Owen Victor Grant, III, CMI
Sam A. Gregson, CMI, ASA
Hanna Greiner, CMI
Brett William Grider, CMI
James W. Griffith, CMI
Cory Gruntz, CMI
Martin Guenther, CMI, MAI
Sandra Guilfoil, CMI, FRICS
Laura D. Guthrie, CMI, MAcc
Bernard W. Hajny, CMI
Kelly Jo Hale, CMI, CPA
Andrew Hall, CMI
John M. Hamstra, CMI
Karen K. Haney, CMI
Richard Hanna, CMI
Marshal Hanzel, CMI
John A. Harrer, CMI
Brett A. Harrington, CMI
Oscar Harrison, CMI
Greg Hart, CMI, Esq.
Tracey Haynes, CMI
Brian Heard, CMI
David Hebert, CMI
Mark D. Hefferan, CMI
Alan M. Heichman, CMI
Todd W. Heinrichs, CMI
Mark A. Herndon, CMI
Larry Kevin Higgins, CMI, MBA, MSA, SPTC
Kent A. Hileman, CMI, MAI, ASA
Mark Hoban, CMI
Douglas J. Hoff, CMI
Evan Horn, CMI
Allison Hortenstine, CMI
Patrick Clay Howard, CMI
Brian T. Howes, CMI, Esq.
Larry Hughes, CMI Property Tax
Mark S. Hutcheson, CMI, Esq., CRE
Rick H. Izumi, CMI
J. Weston Jackson, CMI
J. Kieran Jennings, CMI, Esq., CRE
Swapnil Jhaveri, CMI, CPA
James Johnson, CMI
Jennifer S. Johnson, CMI
David Jones, CMI
Nicole Jones, CMI
Kevin Kamfar, CMI
Brian E. Kanouse, CMI
Ryan Katz, CMI
Paige Keating, CMI
Matt P. Keivens, CMI
Kyle M. Kennett, CMI
Jenna Kerwood, CMI
Laura Bullard Keyes, CMI
Kathryn Kilpatrick, CMI
Mark Kinch, CMI
Kimberly King, CMI
Shawn M. King, CMI
Samuel C. Kinslow, CMI
Steve Klekar, CMI
David N. Kleyer, CMI, CPA
Henry Klosky, CMI, CPA
Brett Ryan Koch, CMI
George J. Koch, III, CMI
Theodore N. Kolman, CMI
Vladimir George Kolossarian, CMI
Amy Kotschedoff, CMI
Peter W. Kotschedoff, CMI, CGREA
Garrett Krebs, CMI
Lynn D. Krebs, CMI, Ph.D.
Corinne M. Krikstan, CMI
Paul A. Krupinsky, CMI
Stephen Krzyzak, CMI
Matthew Kubecka, CMI
Edward J. Kuch, III, CMI, Esq.
Matthew K. Kuhl, CMI, MBA
Adam G. Kuhlmeier, CMI
Ashley K. Kuhlmeier, CMI
Heather Kunde, CMI
Cody Kunz, CMI
Courtney Laas, CMI
Patrick Dane Lacey, CMI
Nekorn Lammayot, CMI
Chris Langston, CMI
Evan K. Lantz, CMI
Charley Lanza, CMI
Michael D. Larson, CMI, ASA
William LaRue, III, CMI
Beth Lattin, CMI
Lisa Laubacher, CMI
Donna K. Lawrence, CMI
Tracy G. Le, CMI
Allen A. Lefkovitz, CMI
Robert M. Leland, Jr., CMI
Helen D. Lemmon, CMI
Susan M. Len, CMI
David H. LeVan, CMI
Stephen J. Levick
William T. Lewis, Jr., CMI
Si L. Liang, CMI
Katie Lightbourn, CMI
Donald L. Lippert, Jr., CMI
Leilani Lobo, CMI
Charles Alan Long, CMI
Selena G. Longway, CMI
Tamarra Lotspeich, CMI
Sarah Love, CMI
Joshua Luetge, CMI
Joshua J. Malancuk, CMI, CPA
David Malson, CMI
Deneen L. Maly, CMI
William George Marchbanks, CMI
Brian J. Masenthin, CMI
Trevor Mason, CMI
Shelby Mathew, CMI, P.E.
Evan McCloskey, CMI, CPA
Kathryn A. McClure, CMI
Ryan McClure, CMI
Tyler McCourtney, CMI
Robert A. McCulloch, CMI
Michael McElroy, CMI
Andrew T. McKibben, CMI
Andrea M. McKinnon, CMI
Peter J. McLaughlin, CMI
Mindy McLees, CMI
Ian P. McPike, CMI
William M. McVeigh, V, CMI
Tatyana Medovaya, CMI
Hamid Mehrdad, CMI
Janet E. Mercer, CMI
Kristina Merino, CMI
Elaine M. Mesher, CMI
Anesa Michalek, CMI
Robert M. Micheli, CMI
Bradley Mikeska, CMI
Chad Miller, CMI
Jason Shaw Miller, CMI
Kris Miller, CMI
Beverly Mills, CMI
Steven G. Mills, CMI
Joanne Milojevich, CMI
Caroline Miner, CMI
Russell W. Minor, CMI
Joseph R. Minott, CMI
David Z. Minton, CMI
Arthur Mirzynski, CMI
Moiz Mohammed, CMI
Ian Molyneux, CMI
David Shane Moncrief, CMI
Jessica L. Montgomery, CMI
Jennifer R. Moody, CMI
Chaney Todd Moore, CMI
Alexander M. Moradi, CMI
Susan M. Moreland, CMI
Jason L. Morris, CMI
Jim Mulroy, CMI
Michael J. Mupo, CMI, CPA, Esq.
Mark S. Murman, CMI
Christopher Murphy, CMI
John A. Murphy, CMI
John Windell Neely, CMI
Eric M. Nelson, Jr., CMI
Jarvis D. Nichols, CMI
Eric Nisbet, CMI
Jeffrey J. Nolan, CMI
Jesse Noneman, CMI, MBA, CPA
Kara Nutting, CMI
Mary O'Connor, CMI, ASA, CRE, CFE
John O'Neil, CMI
Sasha Jacobi Oberbeck, CMI
Philip J. Olzen, CMI
Tess Onderick, CMI
Susan Orloff, CMI
Blas Ortiz, CMI
Carmen J. Ospina, CMI
Darren D. Owen, CMI
William H. Parker, CMI
Zachary S. Parrish, CMI
Leonard J. Patcella, Jr., CMI, MAI
Jason R. Patterson, CMI
John A. Pelayo, CMI
Orlando Pellegrino, CMI
Ann Marie Person, CMI
Wes Peters, CMI
Daniel Peterson, CMI, CPA
Katie Petrov, CMI
Christopher C. Pheneger, CMI
David J. Pichler, CMI
Shawn Pittman, CMI
Lauri A. Poe, CMI, ASA
Erin Crowley Pogue, CMI
Scott Edward Pollock, CMI
Evan Porras, CMI
David P. Porter, CMI, MBA
Lauro Porto, CMI
Shannan L. Posluszny, CMI
Steven E. Potsic, CMI
Alexander B. Powell, CMI
Michael D. Powell, CMI
Dylan Pratt, CMI
Annette Prehn, CMI
Robert Lucas Quary, CMI, CCIM
Norman J. Quinn, III, CMI, CRE, FRICS
Jason V. Raab, CMI
Matthew Rakela, CMI
Jeffrey B. Rash, CMI
Troy Reed, CMI
Brad Renollet, CMI
Joshua R. Rhoads, CMI
Leslie Richards, CMI
Patty Richards, CMI
Kiran Rizvi, CMI
Shannon Robinson, CMI
Sonia E. Rodriguez, CMI
Landon Edward Rose, CMI
David Roush, CMI
Jared H. Rubinoff, CMI
Scott Ruswick, CMI, CFA
James T. Ryan, III, CMI, Esq.
William O. Ryan, CMI, CPA
Edward Ryburn, CMI
Christopher J. Saam, CMI
Maria C. Salinas, CMI, MBA
Jonathan Sanders, CMI
Thomas M. Sanders, CMI
Warren W. Schick, Sr., CMI
David W. Schindler, CMI
John M. Schindler, CMI
Matthew A. Schirack, CMI
Peter H. Schnore, CMI, Esq.
Larry Schramm, CMI
Charles E. Schroeder, Jr., CMI
Kenton Schuble, CMI
Alan Schultz, CMI
Brian Thomas Scully, CMI
John A. Severino, CMI
Kevin Shalley, CMI
Jeffrey Shamma, CMI
Teresa L. Sharp, CMI, CPA
Todd Shebesta, CMI
Kyle Sheehan, CMI, Esq.
Patty Jo Sheets, CMI
Grant E. Sheppard, CMI
James J. Sherron, CMI, CCIM
Kevin L. Shevlin, CMI
Marcia N. Shippey-Pryce, CMI, CPA
Edoardo Sifuentes, CMI
Cynthia M. Skinner, CMI
Caitlyn Smagh, CMI
Darrell E. Smalley, CMI
Aaron M. Smith, CMI
Daniel R. Smith, CMI, Esq.
Philip A. Smith, CMI, CPA
Rebecca Sobel, CMI
Bradley T. Sparks, CMI
John Spillner, CMI
Christopher A. Stanton, CMI
John Stark, CMI
Lisa Stark, CMI
Susan B. Starnes, CMI
Grant Steinhauser, CMI
Laurence C. Stern, CMI, Esq.
Blake Stewart, CMI
Stephen W. Stewart, CMI
Jonathan Stokes, CMI
Kristen Elizabeth Stone, CMI
DeAnne E. Storck, CMI
Michael Strom, CMI
Darlene Sullivan, CMI, Esq.
Kevin Sullivan, CMI
Patrick C. Sullivan, CMI
Eric M. Sutton, CMI
Kathleen Suvanich, CMI
Desiree Sweeney, CMI
Holly K. Swisher, CMI
Yvette Tatoulian, CMI
David Tavernier, CMI
Domingo Tenreiro, CMI
Charles B. Terrell, Jr., CMI
Imran Thobani, CMI
Griff H. Thomas, CMI
Andrew R. Thompson, CMI
J. Kevin Thompson, CMI,CPA
Stephen Grant Thompson, II, CMI
Robert W. Tivnan, CMI
Michael D. Tomlinson, CMI
Adam J. Travis, CMI
Walter B. Turville, CMI
Scott M. Tyler, CMI
Robert G. Unkle, CMI
Troy D. Van Drimmelen, CMI
John P. Vanderah, CMI
Vann Vandervoort, CMI
C. Taylor Vaughn, CMI
Wesley Vaughn, CMI
Jennifer Vigliano, CMI
Ross Vincent, CMI
Jeffrey Scott Wade, CMI
Paul A. Waldman, CMI
Carl Walenciak, CMI
Bradley R. Wallace, CMI
David L. Wang, CMI
Cindy W. Warner, CMI
Kirk Wasylik, CMI
Jason Watson, CMI
Rowland Welch, CMI
Patrick C. Wendt, II, CMI
Kyla Wenger, CMI
Mary West, CMI
R. Gregg West, CMI
Brandon S. Westlake, CMI
Mark A. Whitelaw, CMI
Jeremy Whitt, CMI
Glenn Williams, CMI
Travis Williams, CMI
Deborah M. Wilmoth, CMI
Eric D. Wojinski, CMI
Ernie Wong, CMI
Brandon Wright, CMI
Clayton Yantis, CMI, MAI
Charles John Young, CMI
David Young, CMI
Tianshu Zhao, CMI
Jeremy Zillmer, CMI
Daniel C. Zobal, CMI

Retired Designees

Any designee who is fully retired may retain the designation and all requirements will be waived, including payment of any professional designation dues. 
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Full Name
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George R. Acolia, CMI
Robert W. Adams, CMI
Ellis S. Allen, CMI
Alan L. Allenbach, CMI
Randall B. Ammerman, CMI
David P. Amrozowicz, CMI
Paul L. Appel, CMI, ASA
Robert W. Bailey, CMI
Dennis A. Baker, CMI
Thomas L. Ball, CMI
Dean A. Barney, CMI
Russell P. Bauer, CMI
Ed Belcher, CMI
Richard T. Bell, CMI, CPA
Cecilia Benites, CMI
Lloyd A. Bettis, CMI
Walter L. Beyer, CMI
Donald A. Blum, CMI
Alan R. Bohnenkamp, CMI
Dominick Bonaiuto, CMI
J. Michael Boykin, CMI
Karl H. Braddick, CMI
Diane D. Brown, CMI
Steven T. Buck, CMI
James S. Buckalew, Jr., CMI
Thomas F. Buckley, CMI
John E. Bulger, CMI
Bruce P. Burnham, CMI
James F. Burns, CMI
John J. Byrnes, CMI
John S. Carlson, CMI
Richard J. Carravone, CMI
Patrick J. Chambers, CMI, Esq., CRE,
Jack G. Chapman, CMI
Robert Christenson, CMI
Michael D. Clark, CMI
Richard M. Clark, CMI
Francis H. Cloutier, CMI
Fred N. Coulson, III, CMI
Cynthia C. Cramer, CMI
Phil A. Crawford, CMI
Morris S. Crim, CMI
John Crowley, CMI
Nelson E. Davidson, CMI
Donald D. Davis, CMI
Nelse A. Davis, CMI
James A. DiChiara, CMI
Patricia A. Dickson, CMI
Mary E. Dillman, CMI
Stan Donnahoe, CMI
Gene E. Doss, CMI
Michael E. Duff, CMI
R S. Dutton, CMI
Peter J. Emanuel, CMI
Roberta Jo Fausey, CMI
Patrick J. Feldman, CMI
Robert R. Fightmaster, CMI
Rick Firmine, CMI
G. W. Fisher, CMI
Allan I. Forsythe, CMI
Michael Fortier, Jr., CMI
Jay A. Foucheux, CMI
Russell Fowler, CMI
William M. Fowler, CMI
Cheeyen Bo-Linn Fuller, CMI
Armand O. Gabriel, CMI
Joy S. Garas, CMI
D. Preston Geis, CMI
Len Gerzon, CMI
Bob R. Gilbreath, CMI
Jeffrey C. Glock, CMI
Richard P. Goldstein, CMI
Thomas W. Gordon, CMI
Frederick K. Gostanian, CMI
John Paul Graves, CMI, Esq.
Joyce W. Greenwood, CMI
W.R. Grice, Jr., CMI
Grace A. Guderjahn, CMI
Kitty I. Guinsler, CMI
Richard L. Gunn, CMI
Michael M. Hardy, CMI
Hollis M. Hays, CMI
John K. Healing, CMI
Robert M. Henderson, CMI
Michael L. Hendricks, CMI
Gerald Henrikson, CMI
Kenneth J. Hillig, CMI
Orville C. Hollrah, CMI
Douglas P. Horner, CMI
Robert H. Houston, CMI
Tom F. Howell, CMI
David A. Howie, CMI
Tommy Hudson, CMI
Robert M. Hurt, CMI
Timothy J. Jaeckle, CMI
Stephen Jarski, CMI
Carl L. Jeter, Jr., CMI
Henry Jones, Jr., CMI
L. Dwayne Jones, CMI
Ronald J. Kane, CMI
Louise S. Kari, CMI
Alan L. Karls, CMI
Howard C. Kaufold, CMI
William C. Keiser, Jr., CMI
Alan Kell, CMI
Michael D. Kemp, CMI
Richard E. Keslinke, CMI
Harden J. Killian, Jr., CMI
Jeffery F. King, CMI
Arlene M. Klika, CMI
Charles M. Knapp, CMI
Walker S. Knight, CMI
Michael Kolling, CMI
Thomas J. Kuder, CMI
James H. Kurtzman, CMI
Bob Landrum, CMI
William Perry Larson, Jr., CMI
A.G. Lasater, CMI
Edmund Leet, CMI
J.R. Lemons, CMI
Richard Lenehan, CMI
John N. Limbach, CMI
William C. Long, Jr., CMI
J. Scott Loots, CMI
Steven R. Loveless, CMI
Martin P. Lutsky, CMI
Paul W. Lutz, CMI
Gerald B. Lyslo, CMI
John J. Mackel, CMI
Don E. Madding, CMI
Rodney M. Malburg, CMI
Kenneth R. Marsh, CMI
Laurence May, CMI
Richard B. McElroy, CMI
Marilyn A. McEvoy, CMI
Terrence L. McKenna, CMI
Eugene H. McShane, CMI
Gene J. Mehl, CMI
Robert J. Meiers, CMI
Thomas M. Mellnick, Jr., CMI, CPA
John F. Mencer, CMI
William E. Menzer, CMI
F. John Merle, CMI
Laurence L. Miller, CMI
Dennis K. Moore, CMI
Ted Morford, CMI
Robert G. Moroney, Jr., CMI
Stanley M. Mortimer, CMI
Michele Moscatelli, CMI
Joseph M. Mulcahy, CMI
Chris G. Muntifering, CMI
Richard M. Murphy, CMI
Robert D. Neu, CMI, CPA
John E. Nichols, CMI
Sherry A. Nichols, CMI
Donald L. Niemiec, CMI
Thomas A. Niemiec, CMI
John R. Null, CMI
J.D. O'Quinn, CMI
William O. O'Quinn, Jr., CMI
Dorothy A. O'Rourke, CMI
Joseph K. Oliver, CMI
Donnie Osborne
Robert S. Oslund, CMI
Robert W. Patterson, CMI
Clark B. Payne, CMI
Bruce M. Pierce, CMI
Patrick M. Preston, CMI
Ralph Jay Price, CMI
Gerald E. Proctor, CMI
Frank J. Pustaver, CMI
Robert R. Reardon, CMI
Heather J. Reichardt, CMI, MRICS
Thomas J. Reilly, CMI
Raymond G. Richter, CMI
Joe D. Robertson, CMI
Kristine Rock, CMI
Charles J. Roginske, CMI
Judith G. Ross, CMI
Bernard V. Ryan, CMI
Frank R. Saya, CMI
Leo J. Scherrer, CMI
Robert C. Schmidt, CMI
George Schneider, CMI
Ed Schreiber, CMI, CPA
David Scott, CMI
Norman W. Seguin, CMI
L.E. Seitz, CMI
Thomas P. Sharpitis, CMI
Robert A. Shaw, Jr., CMI
Gary J. Sheetz, CMI
Ralph W. Shelburne, CMI
Alan R. Sherrill, CMI
Patrick T. Shields, CMI
Paul W. Shoup, Sr., CMI
Donald R. Shows, CMI
Darlene A. Siciliano, CMI
Pat W. Sloan, ASA
B.A. Smith, CMI
Merle R. St. Amour, CMI,MAI,ASA,SRA,CAE

Deceased (not listed here)

Inactive (not listed here)

All rights and privileges of the designation will be suspended for any designee whose IPT membership has expired for whatever reason and who remains a non-member for six months or more. The individual shall refrain from using or displaying the designation, in signing correspondence, in the course of court testimony, or in any other manner. 

During the period of inactive status dues payments and continuing education requirements will be suspended. The designation will be considered inactive until IPT membership is reinstated and the designee applies for active status in writing accompanied by a fee of $250 and meets all requirements for reactivation. Following reactivation of the designation, the member's next five year continuing education reporting period will begin on the next January 1. 

(The above definitions are those in effect as of November 5, 2006.)