CMI / CCIP Applicant FAQs

Q. Who may apply for CMI or CCIP candidacy?
A. Any Member of the Institute in good standing (all dues and fees paid) is eligible to apply for CMI or CCIP professional designation candidacy.

Q. When and where are the CMI & CCIP exams administered?
A. The  following schedules provide exam dates and application deadlines:  Exam Dates & Application Deadlines

Q. What IPT schools will I be required to complete, and how are education points calculated?
A. Click on the appropriate link below to go to the Applicant page for detailed information regarding the requirements to become an eligible candidate, and guidelines in calculating education points.

CMI Property Tax Applicants
CMI Sales Tax Applicants
CMI State Income Tax Applicants
CCIP Applicants

Q.  Can I Test out of the IPT schools?
A.  See the Competency Exam Policy for details on which schools may be eligible.  If you take the competency exam for a school, it will not meet any eligibility requirements or count for points.  It will only meet the prerequisite to attend the next school. 

Q.  Does IPT have a list of courses that are preapproved for points? 
A. No, each course is evaluated individually after an application is submitted.  Applicants must submit documentation of attendance/completion for each course with their CMI or CCIP Candidacy Application.  

Q. What if my application is reviewed and found to be short of education points?
A. You may submit additional education documentation to supplement your original application. Applicants are strongly encouraged to be liberal rather than conservative in submitting education. Applicants MUST SUBMIT DOCUMENTATION TO IPT as they attend additional programs in order to update their eligibility status.  This includes IPT programs.  IPT program attendance is NOT automatically linked to CMI and CCIP applications.

Q.   If I need to attend one more program to meet the requirements, can I take the exam and then attend the program at the same time (i.e. take the exam in June & then attend the IPT Annual Conference to fulfill the education requirements)?
A.    No, all requirements must be met 45 days prior to the exam.  The only exception to this policy is if a candidate has met all requirements, including submission of an application, with the exception of  successful completion of a required IPT School. For example, Sales Tax School II concludes 25 days prior to the June Exams.  The candidate has applied, met all other eligibility requirements, and is registered to attend Sales Tax School II.  They will be eligible to sit for the June Exams pending their successful completion of Sales Tax School II.  If you have any questions on this policy, please contact the IPT office. 

*Note that regardless of when IPT Schools are scheduled, you still MUST submit a candidacy application 90 days prior to the exam date. See the Exam Dates & Application Deadlines page for full details. 

Q. If I submit an application miss the next examination opportunity, must I reapply and pay again?
A. The candidacy period for an application is for six testing opportunities (approximately three years). There is also a fee for each exam administration that a candidate registers for.  However, if you do not successfully complete all requirements for designation within the initial candidacy period, you must reapply and take both the written and oral portions of the CMI or CCIP examination. In addition, you must meet all the requirements in effect at the time of application.